
Author / Singer-songwriter

Amy Syd Babcock

What's New?

Just released - Zeronimo Rabbit's Number Songs for Kids lyric video

Zeronimo Rabbit's Number Songs

Celebrate Zero Day and educate children on all the zero numbers leading up to 100 – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100!

Here are some links to a few streaming and video sites.

Tessa and the Tease is now available

Meet Tessa – a 3rd grader who is having a problem in school. Luke is calling her names and teasing her. Tessa is determined to solve this problem on her own, and she eventually does, in a very creative and inspired way.

Amy's Books

Amy Syd’s book “Stabbed With A Pretzel” was self-published in 2013 and is available on Amazon.

Amy's Music

What people are saying...

Your book tackles an important subject and introduces a wonderful technique that can help children overcome bullying while positively changing their relationships.

Danielle Sunshine

This book is such a terrific tool for everyone who might read it. I love the concept of finding colors in everyone and changing the way you see them, no matter what your past relationship has been.

Amy Betz

I love your story and the practical and positive theme.

Ellyn Weinrich

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